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Convrrt Landing Pages displaying a "This site can’t provide a secure connection" error

Issue Number: 3277404

Issue Status: Deployed

Date Reported:

Estimated Resolution Date: 4/25/2024

Update 4/22/24 9:25am MST This issue has been resolved and Convrrt landing pages are functioning normally again. We are currently investigating an issue with Convrrt Landing Pages displaying a "This site can’t provide a secure connection" error.

Product Line: Keap Pro/Max/Ultimate

Keap Ultimate: Unable to checkout through shopping cart with Keap Pay if PayPal Smart Buttons are enabled

Issue Number: 3280488

Issue Status: In Queue

Date Reported:

Estimated Resolution Date: 4/28/2024

04/25/2024 9:18 PM PHX This issue has been resolved. 04/25/2024 3:35 PM PHX We have identified the cause of the issue and working on a fix to be released as soon as possible. 04/25/2024 3:27 PM PHX Our development team is still investigating the cause of this issue. Additional testing has helped confirm this only impacts the shopping cart where single-step is enabled in the shopping cart settings. 04/25/2024 1:21 PM PHX We are currently investigating reports of an "Oops! That's us, not you. Try again in a moment" error appearing when trying to checkout through the Keap Ultimate shopping cart with the Keap Pay merchant, when you also have an active PayPal merchant with the "PayPal Smart Buttons" enabled.

Alternative Solution:
There are two known work arounds to avoid this issue: 1. Turn off PayPal Smart buttons on your payment types page 2. Turn on multi-step inside your shopping cart settings

Product Line: Keap Ultimate

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This page is an active list of known product or service issues affecting Keap users. Not all issues are necessarily posted here, but we'll do our best effort to update this page in a timely manner.

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Priority is used to estimate resolution time:

Priority SLA
Critical ASAP
Urgent 3 days
High 3 weeks
Medium 6 weeks
Low 8 weeks